History and Use Of: The Agrimony Plant

AgrimoniaEupatoriaThe Argimony Eupatoria is also known by other various names such as…

  • Church Steeples
  • Cocklebur
  • Philanthropos
  • and Stickwort

All of which belong to the Rose – Rosaceae plant family.

Agrimony is a pretty plant, bearing spikes of tiny yellow flowers that are reminiscent of church steeples and fruit with hooked bristles at the top (cockleburs).



What You Need To Know About Agrimony

  • Habitat – grows wild alongside roadways, in fields and the woods. Agrimony is available in dried form (both cut and powdered), liquid extract, and essential oil. It may be planted in home gardens in temperate climates Zones 6-9.
  • Range – native to Europe, and cultivated in much of the United States and Southern Canada
  • Identification of Plant – Argimony is a perennial plant.  It grows 2-3 feet tall, with upright mature brown stem covered in soft silky fibers (hairs), the leaves are also covered in the same silky hairs.  If you look at the plant above you will see the leaves are alternate having leaflets arranged on each side of the primary leaf.  Notice the leaves are coarsely toothed and jagged.  At the very top of the stem is where you will see numerous clusters of small yellow flowers blooming between the months of July and August.
  • Scent Profile: Aromatic, Pungent, Lemony, Apricot (flowers)
  • Medicinal Properties – used as an anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and astringent are all due to the presence of large quantities of tannin in the plant.  Herbalists today use the flowering stem tips and dried leaves as a tonic and diuretic, and for digestive disorders, including diarrhea.  The plant is also applied to slow-healing wounds.  Agrimony is an ingredient of herbal and tisane teas.
  • Be Aware – Hooked bristles at the upper end of the bur-like fruit will stick to clothing and animal fur.
  • Precautions – Agrimony is said to be one of the safest herbs and has been used as a food/home remedy for thousands of years.  As long as you are not allergic to the plant, it is hard to imagine any harm coming from its moderate use.

Folklore & Magical Properties

  • Although Argimony has no narcotic properties, tradition holds that when placed under a person’s head, it will induce a deep sleep that will last until it is removed.  It is said dried Agrimony used in dream pillows aids in a good night’s sleep.
  • Agrimony brings good luck, and bright, warm energy to magickal workings.
  • Wear or carry Agrimony to help build up psychic shields.
  • Use in purifying incenses and sachets, especially to repel the ill-wishes of others.
  • Correspondences: Jupiter, Air

Disclaimer: Always, use common sense when consuming any herb. Only use herbs from trusted, pesticide-free sources. Discard infusions within a day or two, and never take essential oils internally.

Occult properties of herbs are provided for historical interest only, and no outcome is guaranteed. Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. Please use herbs responsibly.

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